Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

elizabeth bathory

  • Elizabeth Bathory, merupakan seorang pembunuh berantai terbesar dalam sejarah, tercatat kurang lebih 650 nyawa manusia melayang sia-sia ditangannya.
    Ini adalah pencapaian rekor kasus pembunuhan berantai yang dilakukan oleh seorang individu dengan memakan korban tertinggi sepanjang sejarah umat manusia.

    Kakek buyut Elizabeth Bathory adalah Prince Stephen Bathory yang merupakan salah satu Ksatria yang memimpin pasukan Vlad Darcul ketika dia merebut kembali kekuasaan di Walachia seabad sebelumnya. Orangtua Elizabeth, Georges dan Anna adalah bangsawan kaya raya dan merupakan salah satu keluarga ningrat paling kaya di Hungaria saat itu.

    Keluarga besarnya juga terdiri dari orang-orang terpandang. Salah satu sepupunya adalah perdana menteri di Hungaria, seorang lagi adalah Kardinal. Bahkan pamannya, Stepehen kemudian menjadi Raja Polandia.

    Namun keluarga Bathory memiliki 'sisi' lainnya yg lebih 'gelap' selain segala kekayaan dan popularitasnya.

    Disebutkan bahwa salah satu pamannya yang lain adalah seorang Satanis dan penganut Paganisme sementara seorang sepupunya yg lain memiliki kelainan jiwa dan gemar melakukan kejahatan sexual.

    Thn 1575, di usia 15 tahun Elizabeth menikah dengan Count Ferencz Nadasdy yang 10 tahun lebih tua darinya.

    Karena suaminya berasal dari ningrat yang lebih rendah, maka Count Ferencz Nadasdy menggunakan nama Bathory dibelakangnya.

    Dengan demikian Elizabeth bisa tetap menggunakan nama keluarganya yaitu Bathory dan tidak menjadi Nadasdy. Kedua pasangan tersebut kemudian tinggal di Kastil Csejthe, yg merupakan sebuah kastil di atas pegunungan dengan desa Csejhte dilembah dibawahnya.

    Suaminya jarang mendampingi Elizabeth karena Count Ferencz lebih sering berada di medan pertempuran melawan Turki Usmani (Ottoman). Ferencz kemudian menjadi terkenal karena keberaniannya di medan pertempuran, bahkan dianggap sebagai pahlawan di Hungaria dengan julukan 'Black Hero of Hungary'.

    Elizabeth yg masih muda tentu senantiasa merasa kesepian karena selalu ditinggal sang suami. Disebutkan dia memiliki kebiasaan mengagumi kecantikan nya dan kemudian memiliki banyak kekasih gelapyang melayaninya selama sang suami tidak berada di tempat.

    Elizabeth bahkan pernah melarikan diri bersama kekasih gelapnya namun kemudian kembali lagi dan suaminya memaafkannya. Tapi hal tersebut tidak mengurangi ketagihanElizabeth akan kepuasan seksual. Disebutkan juga Elizabeth menjadi seorang biseksual dengan melakukan hubungan lesbian dengan bibinya, Countess Klara Bathory

    Elizabeth kemudian mulai terpengaruh dengan satanisme yg diajarkan oleh salah seorang pelayan terdekatnya yang bernama Dorothea Szentes yg biasa disebut Dorka.
    Karena pengaruh Dorka, Bathory mulai menyenangi kepuasan seksual lewat penyiksaan yang dilakukannya terhadap pelayan-pelayan lainnya yang masih muda. Selain Dorka, Elizabeth dibantu beberapa pelayan terdekatnya yaitu : suster Iloona Joo, pelayan pria Johaness Ujvari dan seorang pelayan wanita bernama Anna Darvula,yang merangkap sebagai kekasih Elizabeth.

    Bersama para krunya, Elizabeth merubah kastil Csejthe menjadi pusat teror dan penyiksaan seksual. Para gadis2 muda yg jadi pelayannya disiksa dengan berbagai bentuk penyiksaan seperti diikat, ditelanjangi lalu dicambuk danjuga menggunakan berbagai alat untuk menyakiti bagian2 tubuh tertentu.

    Tahun 1600, suaminya Ferencz meninggal dan era teror sesungguhnya dimulai. Memasuki usia 40 tahunan Elizabeth menyadari bahwa kecantikannya mulai memudar. Kulitnya mulai menunjukan tanda-tanda penuaan dan keriput yg sebenarnya lumrah di usia tsb. TapiElizabeth adalah pemuja kesempurnaan dan kecantikan dan dia akan melakukan apa saja demi mempertahankan kecantikannya.

    Suatu saat dengan tidak sengaja seorang pelayaan wanita yg sedang menyisir rambutnya secara tidak sengaja menarik rambut Elizabeth terlalu keras. Elizabeth yg marah kemudian menampar gadis malang tersebut. Darah memancar dari hidung gadis itu dan mengenai telapak tangan Elizabeth. Saat itu Elizabeth disebutkan 'menduga dan percaya' bahwa darah gadis muda tersebut memancarkan cahaya kemudaan mereka. Serta merta dia memerintahkan 2 pelayannya , Johannes Ujvari dan Dorka menelanjangi gadis itu, menarik tangganya keatas bak mandi dan memotong urat nadinya. Ketika si gadis meninggal kehabisan darah,Elizabeth segera masuk kedalam bak mandi dan berendam dalam kubangan darah.

    Contoh replika yang menggambarkan kejadian sesungguhnya dalamkamar mandi Elizabeth Bathory.

    Dia menemukan apa yg diyakininya sebagai 'Rahasia Awet Muda'. Ketika semua pelayan mudanya sudah mati, Elizabeth mulai merekrut gadis muda di desa sekitarnya untuk menjadi pelayan di Kastilnya. Nasib mereka semuanya sama, diikat diatas bak mandi kemudian urat nadi mereka dipotong hingga darah mereka menetes habis kedalam bak mandi tersebut.Elizabeth seringkali berendam didalam kolam darah sambil menyaksikan gadis yang jadi korbannya sekarat meneteskan darah hingga tewas. Sesekali Elizabeth bahkan meminum darah para gadis itu untuk mendapatkan 'INNERBEAUTY'.

    Lama kelamaan Elizabeth merasa bahwa darah para gadis desa masih kurang baginya. Demi mendapat darah yg lebih 'berkualitas', Elizabeth kemudian mengincar darah para gadis bangsawan rendahan.

    Dia kemudian melakukan banyak penculikan terhadap gadis-gadis bangsawan untuk dijadikan korbannya. Namun hal itu justru menjadi bumerang baginya karena hilangnya gadis-gadis bangsawan dengan cepat mendapatkan perhatian dikalangan bangsawan, orang-orang berpengaruh hingga Raja sendiri.

    Tanggal 30 Desember 1610, sepasukan tentara dibawah pimpinan sepupu Elizabeth sendiri, menyerbu Kastil Csejthe di malam hari.

    Mereka semua terkejut melihat pemandangan yg mereka temukan di dalam kastil itu.
    Mayat seorang gadis yang pucat kehabisan darah tergeletak diatas meja makan, seorang gadis lagi yang masih hidup namun sekarat ditemukan terikat di tiang dengan kedua urat nadinya disayat hingga meneteskan darah.

    Dibagian penjara ditemukan belasan gadis yang sedang ditahan menunggu giliran dibunuh. Kemudian di ruang basement ditemukan lebih dari 50 mayat yg sebagian besar sudah mulai membusuk.

    Selama pengadilan atas Elizabeth Bathory di tahun 1611 sekurangnya 650 daftar nama korban-korbannya didapat berdasarkan laporan dari berbagai pihak.

    Mulai dari keluarga petani hingga keluarga bangsawan. Elizabeth sendiri tidak pernah didatangkan di pengadilan untuk diadili secara langsung. Hanya ke 4 pelayannya yang diadili dan kemudian dihukum mati. Namun Elizabeth mendapatkan hukumannya juga. Raja Hungaria memerintahkan Elizabeth dikurung dalam kamarnya di Kastil Csejthe selama sisa hidupnya. Para pekerja kemudian dikerahkan untuk menutup semua pintu dan jendela ruang kamarElizabeth dengan tembok dengan hanya menyisakan lubang kecil yg digunakan untuk memasukan makanan dan minuman sehari-hari.

    Tahun 1614, atau 4 tahun setelah Elizabeth di-isolasi dengan tembok dikamarnya sendiri, seorang penjaga melihat makanan yang disajikan untuk Elizabeth tidak disentuh selama seharian. Penjaga itu kemudian mengintip kedalam dan melihat sang Countess tertelungkup dengan wajah di lantai.Elizabeth Bathory 'The Blood Countess' meninggal di usia 54 tahun. Bahkan Vlad Dracul tidak pernah berkubang dalam darah atau meminum darah. Oleh sebab itu julukan 'Vampir' sebenarnya lebih cocok ditujukan kepadaElizabeth Bathory.
  • jack the ripper

    Julukan untuk tokoh misterius yang melakukan serangkaian pembunuhan berantai dan mutilasi di Inggris pada abad ke 19. Nama Jack The Ripper tertulis dalam sebuah surat yang dikirimkan ke London Badan Pusat Berita oleh seseorang yang mengaku sebagai pelaku pembunuhan.
    Jack The Repper digambarkan dengan sosok yang berjubah hitam yang mengincar korbannya dalam kabut serta mencabut nyawa korban dengan cepat dan meninggalkan korban dengan pesan di dinding dekat lokasi pembunuhan.
    Dan tidak pernah ketahuan siapa pelakunya (seperti mistik bukan?)

    Pada tanggal 1888, Terjadi pembunuhan yang mengemparkan warga di distrik East End, London yang lebih di kenal dengan nama Whitechapel. Bukan pembunuhan biasa yang memang sering terjadi di distrik tersebut. Sebuah pembunuhan berantai dengan memakan jumlah korban sebanyak 5 orang (Mary Ann , Annie Chapman , Elizabeth , Catherine , Jane kelly ) dengan cara mutilasi. Tenggorokan terkorak, isi perut yang berhamburan keluar , biji mata tercongkel serta kaki dan tangan di pisahkan dengan badan korban. Masing-masing potongan tubuh korban di ambil dan dikirimkan ke kepolisian London bersama sebuah surat.

    Jack The Ripper tidak meninggalkan bukti satu pun dalam tindakan kriminalnya, pola pembunuhannya pun tidak diketahui, bahkan bisa dibilang acak. kecuali sebuah pesan yang di tulis dengan kapur pada dinding. Isi pesannya adalah "The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing."
    Satu-satunya persamaan antara korban-korbannya ialah mereka berprofesi sebagai Wanita Tuna Susila. Jack membunuh korbannya tanpa ampun dan hanya beraksi kurang dari setahun dan dia pun menjadi legenda pembunuh yang sadis dengan cara mutilasi. Sampai sekarang identitas pelaku (Jack The Ripper) belum dapat terungkap.

    Ada juga dugaan kalau pelaku adalah orang yang mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan kedokteran spesialisasi di bidang operasi bedah karena sayatan-sayatan di tubuh korbannya sangat rapi yang hanya bisa dilakukan menggunakan alat-alat operasi kedokteran yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus. Hal ini di bantah oleh komunitas kedokteran yang mengatakan tidak harus seorang dokter untuk melakukan hal seperti itu, seorang tukang jagal ,tukang cukur juga dapat melakukan hal tersebut asalkan memiliki keahlian di bidang anatomi manusia.

    Ada dugaan-dugaan lain yang berasal dari warga seperti jack memiliki rasa takut yang mendalam terhadap wanita yang menjadi kebencian dengan mengambil "rahim" dari korban (sesuatu yang hanya dimiliki oleh wanita) , jack juga di kabarkan pernah di sakiti dan di hianati oleh pacarnya yang berprofesi sebagai wanita tuna susila. jack juga di duga sebagai seorang yang memiliki kelainan mental akibat masa lalu yang suram.
    (nb: dari teman-teman sendiri, memiliki dugaan lain hingga jack sanggup melakukan hal ini?)

    Dari berbagai dugaan yang ada,nyata nya sampai sekarang identitas pelaku (Jack The Ripper) belum dapat terungkap. Dia menjadi legenda pembunuh yang sering bermunculan di buku-buku novel misteri , di film , di teater maupun di komik. bahkan sempat dibuat video games dan musiknya. baca disini

    Jack The Ripper-II
    Adalah Jeffrey Dahmer yang kembali mengangkat cerita Jack The Ripper kembali ke permukaan. Seorang pria yang melakukan kanibalisme pada korban yang di bunuhnya.
    Jeffrey Dahmer seorang pria berkebanggaan Amerika Serikat lahir pada tanggal 21 Mei 1960.
    Kelainan pada jeffrey sudah di mulai saat usia anak-anak. jeffrey sering melakukan mutilasi pada binatang-binatang yang di temukan di sekitar rumahnya. Di usia remaja, ia di kenal sebagai seorang pemabuk dan memiliki orientasi seks yang menyimpang menyukai sesama jenisnya, Homo. Pada usia dewasanya,Setiap ada pesta dia selalu ikut dan membawa teman prianya ke rumah untuk melakukan hubungan seks, sesudah itu dia tak segan-segan untuk membunuhnya diperkirakan korban jeffrey adalah 23 orang dan semuanya laki-laki yang berumur sekitar 14-36 tahun.
    Korban pertamanya adalah seorang anak kecil yang bernama Konerak Sinthasomphone berusia 14 tahun. Dan tertangkap pada penyelidikan korban terakhirnya, Joseph bradehoft pada tanggal 19 Juli 1991. Tanggal 28 November 1994, Jeffrey meninggal dengan cara di hukum mati.

    10 Fenomena Aneh Yang Pernah Terjadi

    Inilah 10 fenomena aneh yang menyeramkan yang terjadi di dunia. Meski ada banyak penjelasan tentang fenomena - fenomena aneh itu, namun semuanya masih belum bisa menjawab secara clear kenapa hal itu terjadi. Salah satu yang mengejutkan adalah terjadinya "Hujan darah di daerah Kerala, India pada September 2001".

    Anehnya setelah diteliti, air hujan berwarna merah itu mengandung partikel yang sama dengan yang ada pada darah. Aneh, ganjil, luar biasa. Bagaimana menjelaskan hal ini agar masuk akal? Apa yang terjadi pada dunia? Kenapa ada hujan berawarna merah, apa yang membuatnya begitu? Kasus lainnya adalah kisah nyata di sebuah daerah di Alaska yang sedikit penduduk. Di mana dilaporkan kerap terjadi kasus hilangnya penduduk tanpa jejak. Isu yang berkembang adalah penduduk diculik alien.

    So, lebih jauh tentang fenomena -fenomena aneh ini, ikuti sedikit penjelasan di bawah ini.

    1. Fenomena Hujan Darah di Kerala, India
    the blood monsoon
    Antara bulan Juli 25 dan September 23, 2001, dilaporkan bahwa telah turun hujan aneh dengan warna air yang tidak biasa yakni berwarna merah. Kejadian aneh dan mengerikan ini terjadi di bagian selatan negara bagian Kerala India. Orang terkejut dan takut karena seperti terjadi hujan darah yang tercurah deras dari langit. Hujan darah ini terjadi secara sporadic di seluruh wilayah dan ilmuwan bergegas ke tempat kejadian untuk menganalisis komposisinya.

    Setelah air hujan itu diteliti, penemuan mengerjutkan di dapat. Bahwa, partikel mikroskopis hadir dalam air, sama dalam yang terdapat pada sel darah manusia. Itu sebabnya air hujan berubah warna menjadi mirip warna darah.

    Namun penjelasan itu masih menjadi tanda Tanya besar, apalagi pada saat bersamaan muncul berbagai analisa tentang kejadian aneh itu. Makin bingung ketika muncul lagi teori yang dihubungkan dengan meteorit dan kalelawar. Teori ini menyebutkan, bahwa meteorit, yang telah melanda suasana tak lama sebelum musim hujan mulai, telah bertabrakan dengan sekawanan kelelawar dan menyemprot darah mereka ke atmosfir.
    Mungkin teori yang paling ambisius adalah bahwa ilmuwan Godfrey Louis dan Santhosh Kumar dari Universitas Muhatma Gandhi, Karela. Mereka berspekulasi bahwa sel-sel mengkontaminasi berasal dari luar bumi dan bahwa mereka telah dibawa ke Bumi oleh meteorit, mengkonfirmasi teori panspermia. Louis dan Kumar mengatakan, bahwa sel memiliki "sifat yang tidak biasa".

    2. Pembakaran Manusia
    spontaneous human combustion
    Fenomena ini sangat langka dan tidak masuk akal, teori ilmiah belum bisa memecahkan misteri kenapa orang tiba tiba bisa terbakar tanpa ada yang membakarnya. Apa penyebabnya, tidak diketahui sampai kini. Anehnya bagian yang terbakar hanya bagian atas saja sementara bagian kaki tidak. Itu sebabnya dalam banyak kasus aneh ini, korban yang tewas ditemukan masih memakai sandal.

    3. Fenomena Lampu Aneh
    geo luminescence
    Gemeretak lemari arsip, pipa gas meledak dan penampilan bintang lima dari Charlton Heston dan Lorne Green bukan satu-satunya tanda-tanda bahwa rumah Anda telah terkena gempa bumi. Kesaksian kesaksian dari orang yang selamat dari gempa bumi telah sering terdengar melaporkan adanya kilatan cahaya aneh yang melesat ke atas bergulung-gulung di daerah sekitar episentrum gempa. Fenomena ini terakhir terjadi di kawasan Cina kuno juga di Lincolnshire, Inggris, di mana orang mengaku melihat lampu aneh dan bola bola cahaya yang terbang ringan.

    Para ilmuwan telah berteori bahwa lampu ini merupakan hasil dari geo-pendaran, sebuah fenomena di mana sebenarnya batuan menghasilkan cahaya ketika dihadapkan pada tekanan ekstrem, dan bahwa meringankan adalah hasil dari gesekan geologi.

    4. Ball Lightning Ball Lightning
    ball lightning
    Fenomena listrik aneh berbentuk lingkaran ini biasanya terjadi selama badai dan berlangsung hingga tiga puluh detik. Aneh dan mengerikan. Kadang menyambar, mendesis desis merambat di dinding bangunan, mengeluarkan suara-suara mengerikan. Pada masa lalu, orang kerap menghubungkan fenomena ini dengan kehadiran makhluk asing atau hantu. Banya orang telah membuat laporan tentang adanya fenomena kilat berbentuk bola ini, termasuk Benjamin Franklin, namun sejauh ini tidak ada penjelasan yang memadai tentang fenomena itu.

    Namun dengan kemajuan teknologi, adanya teknologi photo juga video, membuat para ilmuwan menaruh perhatian serius tentang fenomena kilat berbentuk bulat ini. Mereka pun mencoba mencari penjelasan tentang fenomena ini.

    5. Saint Elmo's Fire
    saint elmos fire
    Saint Elmo's Fire digambarkan oleh para ilmuwan sebagai fenomena plasma. St Elmo adalah kebakaran disebabkan oleh ionisasi di atmosfer. Nama petir itu Saint Elmo -yakni santo pelindung para pelaut-karena pada awalnya fenomena itu muncul di atas geladak kapal, khususnya pada saat badai. Warnanya, biru, hijau.

    6. Fenomena Makhluk Penghisap Darah Ternak
    the goat suckers
    Kisah ini muncul karena adanya ratusan ternak ditemukan tewas dalam keadaan terpotong-potong (mutilasi) di kawasan Amerika Selatan. Lalu muncul dugaan yang masih bersifat rumors bahwa penyebabnya adalah makhluk asing yang disebut chupacabras. Dalam decade terakhir, kasus ini mucul lagi, di antaranya di Brasil di mana ratusan ternak ditemukan tercabik-cabik. Yang unik dan menyeramkan, pada ternak yang sudah termutilasi itu hanya ditemukan sedikit darah. Sepertinya sebagian besar darah ternak ini telah dihisap oleh mahkluk aneh itu. Mirip seperti Dracula. Tanda tanda lainnya, adalah rahang, lidah dan anus yang hilang. Tanda tanda ini sama dengan kasus mutilasi ternak di Amerika.

    Mitos makhluk penghisap darah ini muncul pertama kali di Puerto Rico tahun 1970-an. Ketika itu dilaporkan banyak kambing dan domba mati dengan darah yang habis terhisap. Memang pada awal kemunculan kasus ini, sasaran makhluk itu adalah kambing dan domba. Namun pada dua decade berikutnya, muncul kasus baru di Meksiko, di mana yang diserang bukan hanya kambing dan domba, tapi juga ternak lainnya.

    Ada sejumlah teori yang menjelaskan kemunculan makhluk mengerikan ini di Amerika Selatan. Penjelasan yang paling logis adalah bahwa mereka adalah spesies asli Amazon dan bahwa deforestasi telah memaksa mereka untuk meninggalkan hutan hujan untuk pertama kalinya dalam mencari makan. Namun muncul juga cerita cerita lain yang berkembang dan juga dipercayai sebagian orang, yakni mahluk itu berasal dari luar bumi karena faktanya hampir kerap bahwa serangan pada kambing muncul bertepatan dengan diberitakannya penampakan UFO.

    Macam-macam penjelasan tentang mahkluk penghisap darah itu yang sampai sekarang masih menjadi sumber perdebatan. Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa binatang pemangsa itu boleh jadi juga yang memutilasi mutilasi ternak atau ada juga yang menduga itu merupakan hasil eksperimen tersembunyi pemerintah. Sampai kini masalah mahluk pemangsa ini masih menjadi tanda Tanya dan misteri.

    7. Penculikan Oleh Alien
    Penampakan UFO begitu bervariasi, dengan deskripsi yang kebanyakan menentang logika manusia. Kisah menakjubkan, individu asing melakukan penculikan. Tampaknya di sini menunjukkan bahwa imajinatif aktif lebih banyak bekerja di sini. Cerita-cerita bahwa penculikan terhadap pria-wanita untuk perkembangbiakan makhluk asing, atau begitu banyak orang yang mengklaim telah diculik oleh mahluk asing dan dijanin telah tertanam janin asing.

    Teori mapan yang bisa menjelaskan hal itu adalah adanya medan elektromagnetik yang kuat, mungkin terjadi secara alami, dapat menyebabkan seseorang merasa terserang secara bersamaan di dekatnya ada peralatan listrik yang terganggu oleh medan magnetic sehingga peralatan listrik (seperti mobil radio) tidak berfungsi. Orang kemudian melihat kilatan cahaya sebelum pingsan. Terbangun dari pengalaman seperti itu, kata "alien", pasti akan menjadi yang pertama di bibir Anda.

    Sekarang, mari kita lihat kisah penculikan asing (dokumenter) di bawah ini.
    8. The Taos Hum, Misteri Dengungan Aneh
    the taos hum
    Penduduk di kota Taos, New Mexico, telah lama bingung dengan fenomena aneh yang terjadi di daerahnya yakni, munculnya suara dengungan yang seolah datang dari jauh, mirip suara mesin diesel yang menyala. Namun sumber suara itu sampai kini tidak ditemukan.

    Anehnya suara ini tidak semua bisa mendengar, hanya pernah didengar oleh sekitar setengah dari penduduk. Mereka yang pernah mendengar pernah mengunjungi para ilmuwan untuk meminta penjelasan tentang fenomena ini. Penelitian yang dilakukan telah gagal. Bahkan pendeteksian suara dengan menggunakan peralatan audio canggih pun tidak berhasil. Kasus di Taos ini hampir serupa dengan di Hawaii. Tentang Hum di Hawaii, orang berspekulasi itu menunjukkan aktivitas gunung api di daerah itu.

    9. Foo Fighters yang Misterius
    foo fighters
    Sebelum fenomena piring terbang menggila pada tahun 1950-an, fenomena aneh lain yang menjadi subyek perdebatan besar bagi pilot angkatan udara AS pada Perang Dunia II adalah adanya bola cahaya aneh yang terbang di atas wilayah udara Jerman dan Samudera Pasifik dengan kecepatan tinggi, yang menyebabkan frustrasi bagi kedua Sekutu dan pilot Axis. Keduanya yakin bahwa "bola api" itu adalah jenis percobaan pesawat terbang musuh (foo fighter).

    Angkatan udara Amerika Serikat menjadi semakin khawatir melihat betapa mudah pejuang foo bisa mengatasi manuver pesawat mereka sendiri. Meskipun tidak pernah terlibat dalam pertempuran dengan pesawat tempur foo, dipandang sebagai gangguan bagi cara mereka akan 'menari' di sekitar dan terbang dalam formasi rapat dengan pesawat AS.

    Banyak pilot merasa bahwa foo figaahter menggoda mereka dengan cara tertentu. Nama pesawat tempur foo berasal dari keyakinan bahwa Jepang bertanggung jawab untuk kecepatan tinggi ini mengejek, meskipun penampakan berlanjut setelah konflik berakhir. Cylindrical and disc shaped craft were also reported in the skies over Europe. Cakram berbentuk silindris juga dilaporkan di langit di atas Eropa.

    10. Perjalanan Menembus Waktu
    the time travellers
    Artefak kuno berasal dari 10,000 BC telah ditemukan yang menunjukkan gambar laki-laki asing yang mengenakan seperti pakaian ruang angkasa. Makhluk itu aneh dalam artefak itu mengenakan pakaian transparan dengan peralatan sejenis helm di kepalanya. Apakah itu senjata atau sejenis alat.

    Siapa pun orang-orang yang tergambar dalam artefak ini, sedang atau akan, mereka tampaknya telah tergambar sejak zaman kuno oleh manusia manusia yang hidup pada masa itu. Muncul juga lukisan lukisan gua, Hieroglip Mesir. Yang lebih mencengangkan adanya artefak kuno dari Mesir yang mengambarkan piring terbang, pesawat dan helicopter. Ini membuat para arkeolog bingung. Apakah ini nubuat, bahwa suatu ketika nanti kita akan berhubungan dengan makhluk asing luar bumi (non manusia) atau suatu hari nanti kita akan mengembangkan kemampuan kita sehingga dapat melakukan perjalanan menembus waktu?

    Blackberry Bold 9900 Pluto

    Bocoran dan rumor tentang spesifikasi dari ponsel BlackBerry Pluto ( BlackBerry Bold 9900) dan BlackBerry Magnum 922 baru muncul di internet via Softpedia. Blackberry Pluto, yang menyerupai Onyx, memiliki layar touchscreen dan keypad QWERTY. Sedangkan Magnum, yang akan menjadi penerus Blackberry Bold akan hadir dengan fitur 3G.

    Blackberry Bold 9900 diperkirakan akan keluar pada bulan September, berikut specnya

    RIM BlackBerry Bold 9900 (RIM Pluto) Specs
    Expected Release Date: September, 2009

    Project Codename: RIM Pluto
    Predecessor Model: RIM BlackBerry Bold 9000

    Embedded Operating System: RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7
    RAM;capacity: 128 MiB
    ROM;capacity: 128 MiB
    Secondary ROM capacity: 1 GiB

    Display Type: color transmissive TFT, 65536 scales
    Display Diagonal: 2.6 “
    Display;Resolution: 480 x 360

    Microphone(s): mono
    Loudspeaker(s): mono
    Audio:Output: 3.5mm

    Cellular Networks: GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS850, UMTS1900, UMTS2100
    Cellular Data: CSD, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA

    Call Alert: 32 -chord melody
    Vibrating+Alert: Supported
    Speakerphone: Supported

    Positioning Device: Touchscreen & TrackBall
    Primary Keyboard: Built-in QWERTY-type keyboard
    Directional Pad: Not supported
    Scroll-Wheel: Not supported

    Expansion Slots: microSD, microSDHC, TransFlash
    USB: USB 2.0 client, 480Mbit/s, mini-USB
    Bluetooth: Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR

    LAN: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g
    Infrared_Gate: Not supported

    Analog Radio Receiver: Not supported
    Broadcast-Tuner: Not supported

    GPS module: Supported
    Complementary GPS Services: Assisted GPS, Geotagging

    Main Camera: 3.1 MP
    Autofocus (AF): Supported
    Flash: mobile light (LED)

    Battery: removable

    Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

    my edited photo :))

    Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

    if u love someone, tell it now

    A rich boy, who lived in New York, American..
    had a cancer in his body
    doctor said, his life just for 2 months again
    he submit to it
    but he won't tell anyone about his illness..
    one day, he go to the cake shop
    to buy some cake for his mom birthday
    he see a girl,
    she is very beautiful
    and, he feel "fall in love" with her
    he asked to that girl, who her name, where she lives
    and that girl answer it
    day by day
    their relationship more and more good
    and that girl "fall in love" with him too
    wherever he buy cake at that shop
    that girl always serve him the best
    until 2 months..
    God take his life..
    that girl confused,
    she think "why that boy never buy cake again?"
    and she visited that boy's house
    when that boy's mother open the door for her,
    she's crying
    that girl so confused,
    her feeling become bad
    when she asked to that boy's mother, his mother answer
    "my son was dead"
    that girl don't believe it at first
    but when she look that boy photo,
    she trust
    and she crying..
    that boy's mother say
    "thank you for all, my son was happy when he met you. He've tell me about you. And you are the first girl who can make him Fall in love"
    afterwards she hug that girl
    "why i don't know previously??? i love him too", and she crying more and more

    she always put a little paper say "i love you" to the cake box when that boy buy cake
    but he don't know it
    she so repetance..
    if she can replay the time, she will say it to him..

    so,if you love or like someone
    tell him/her now
    cause we don't know if he/she go forever from our life..

    (True story, my friend tell it =P)

    Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

    a7x personal biograph

    M. Shadows

    M. Shadows in 2008.
    Background information
    Birth name Matthew Charles Sanders
    Born July 31, 1981 (1981-07-31) (age 28)
    Origin Huntington Beach, California
    Genres Hard rock, heavy metal, hardcore punk, metalcore
    Occupations Musician, songwriter, singer
    Instruments Vocals, piano, keyboards, guitar, bass, synthesizer, organ
    Years active 1999–present
    Labels Warner Bros., Good Life Recordings, Hopeless Records
    Associated acts Avenged Sevenfold, Slash, Good Charlotte, Steel Panther, Cowboy Troy, Death by Stereo, Bleeding Through


    In his youth, Shadows was notorious for his disorderly conduct and misbehavior. He was quoted as saying "I was in between a good kid and a terrible kid - I had a good heart, but a terrible attitude." He attended Huntington Beach High School after being expelled from his middle school in the eighth grade. As the band was just starting out, he was the darker character of the group (hence the name "Shadows") but he also wanted to incorporate his name, Matt, into his stage name. Matt was reduced to "M" because it had a better ring when combined with his stage name and ever since he has been known as M. Shadows.[1]


    Matt used to play the piano before he began to sing in his first band, "Successful Failure". When he was growing up, he listened to a lot of punk rock such as H2O and The Misfits and got into the scene when his father bought him Appetite for Destruction by Guns N' Roses after he had seen them on MTV's Headbanger's Ball.

    In following years, Shadows formed a number of bands with Avenged Sevenfold's rhythm guitarist Zacky Vengeance. Zacky was previously a member of a punk group called 'MPA. While Shadows was in the previously mentioned "Successful Failure", The Rev was slotted to play drums (but was admittedly too good).[2] While in this band he penned the song "Streets," which would later be recorded after Avenged Sevenfold was formed, and released on the first album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. The album was a mix of metalcore and punk rock but also includes a softer, more ballad-like song (Warmness On The Soul). Sounding the Seventh Trumpet was first recorded and produced while Shadows and the rest of Avenged Sevenfold were still in high school.

    Avenged Sevenfold

    Shadows has stated that he feels a strong support for the troops serving the United States, having very close friends who are currently in service in Iraq. The song "M.I.A." ("Missing In Action") was reportedly written in tribute to these friends. The song "Gunslinger" from Avenged Sevenfold's self-titled album further expresses these feelings (though it was stated in the album's extra MVI that it's not just about troops - "It can be about anyone away from home, missing their families.") The song "Critical Acclaim" can be interpreted as an attack against those who criticize America. Shadows has made guest appearances on numerous albums by numerous different artists. He also produced The Confession's 2007 album, Requiem, which, according to an interview, was one of the first steps which led to Avenged Sevenfold self-producing their 2007 self-titled album.[citation needed]

    Zacky Vengeance

    Zacky Vengeance of Avenged Sevenfold - Live in Concert
    Background information
    Birth name Zachary James Baker
    Also known as Zacky Vengeance
    Born December 11, 1981 (1981-12-11) (age 28) Huntington Beach, California
    Genres Hard rock, heavy metal, metalcore, punk rock, hardcore punk
    Occupations Musician, songwriter, guitarist, vocalist
    Instruments guitar, piano
    Years active 1999-Present
    Labels Warner Bros. Records, Hopeless Records, Good Life Recordings
    Associated acts Avenged Sevenfold, The Dear & Departed, Mad Porno Action
    Notable instruments
    Schecter Vengeance Custom Model

    ZV Blade


    In high school, Zachary attended Huntington Beach High School. Baker came up with his stage name "Zacky Vengeance" because he wanted to get back at all the people whom doubted his success and did not support him. He also came up with Johnny's stage name "Johnny Christ" because he said it was suiting for him. . In the Avenged Sevenfold DVD All Excess he recalls that before Avenged Sevenfold, he was in a punk band called MPA*, which stands for Mad Porno Action. He implies that they were not successful. He and M. Shadows (who at the time was singer for a band named Successful Failure) formed Avenged Sevenfold. He taught himself how to play the guitar when he was thirteen. Zacky was also responsible for the creation of the acronym "A7X".[1]

    Despite being left-handed, he recalls in an interview with Guitar Edge Magazine that the first guitar he learned on was actually a right-handed his parents had bought him for his thirteenth birthday. He learned by playing upside-down, watching his favorite bands and other people he knew who played and practiced as much as he could. He would also read each edition of Guitar World cover to cover, learning the tabs of the songs published in there and watching the professionals perform it until he got it right. His influences in his style are Rancid, Misfits and Bad Religion. Zacky's favorite bands also include Metallica, Misfits and Guns N Roses.

    In high school he played baseball. He claims that if not for his music career, he would be a professional baseball player.

    In 2003, Avenged Sevenfold came out with Waking the Fallen, which boosted A7X fan levels up. Avenged Sevenfold hit the jackpot in 2005 when their Gold selling album, City of Evil came out featuring songs such as, Beast and the Harlot, Bat Country, and Seize the Day.

    In 2007, Avenged Sevenfold self-produced their Self Titled Album (Avenged Sevenfold). Featuring songs such as, Critical Acclaim, Scream, Afterlife, Almost Easy and A Little Piece of Heaven.

    2008- Zacky and Avenged Sevenfold have announced that they will be back in the studio by July 2009. Zacky quotes, "After touring the world for pretty much two years straight, the stars aligned and have us finishing up in Southern California and Las Vegas. If I could offer one piece of inside info it would be that these shows are the ones to see. We will be celebrating a very successful run and 10 years of madness that all started in the great state of California (though our friends in Las Vegas know how to throw a party so we can’t leave them out either). We are f*cking excited to be home and leave everything we have on the table before we get to work on a new kick-ass album. So I am personally inviting you to come out alongside our closest friends and family and leave the ear plugs at home as we throw down for these end-of-tour shows. Don’t be the one left out."

    Personal life

    Zacky released a clothing line called [1] "Vengeance University". The website's background features Zacky's symbol, the "V-Blade". The line currently features t-shirts, hoodies, bandanas, and necklaces. Many, if not all of the shirts in the line include his trademark "Est. 6661" or "V.U.". While Zack was on tour the site was updated weekly with photos of travels and a "Gangster of the Week".

    He has a sister named Zina Baker, who is now named Zina Pacheco. She has two kids Gianna and Gavin, Zacky's only niece and nephew. He has a brother named Matt Baker, who was with the band Dear & Departed. His parents are James and Maria. Zacky and his mom share the same birthday.

    The Rev

    Background information
    Birth name James Owen Sullivan
    Also known as The Reverend Tholomew Plague, Rat Head, The Rev, Mr. Plague, Jimmy
    Born February 10, 1981(1981-02-10)
    Huntington Beach, California, United States
    Died December 28, 2009 (aged 28)
    Huntington Beach, California, United States
    Genres Hard rock, heavy metal, metalcore, avant-garde metal
    Occupations Musician, songwriter, drummer, percussionist, vocalist
    Instruments Drums, guitar, bass, piano, vocals
    Years active 1999–2009
    Labels Warner Bros. Records, Good Life Recordings, Hopeless Records, Bucktan Records
    Associated acts Avenged Sevenfold, Pinkly Smooth, Suburban Legends

    James Owen Sullivan (February 10, 1981 – December 28, 2009),[1][2] better known by his stage name, The Reverend Tholomew Plague, was the drummer and back-up vocalist for the band Avenged Sevenfold, and lead vocalist in the avant-garde metal band Pinkly Smooth with fellow Avenged Sevenfold guitarist Synyster Gates. Sullivan lived in Huntington Beach, California and was married to Leana MacFadden (also known as Leana Silver). He was found dead on December 28, 2009, aged 28.[3]


    Sullivan performed vocals and piano in his and Brian Haner Jr.'s side project, Pinkly Smooth, in 2002. He was also utilized as a back-up vocalist in Avenged Sevenfold. Besides doing unclean vocals with lead vocalist M. Shadows in live versions of songs Chapter Four and Eternal Rest, the song "Critical Acclaim" featured Sullivan on lead vocals during the chorus of the song, both singing and screaming. His vocals were also featured in other songs from the Avenged Sevenfold eponymous album, such as "A Little Piece of Heaven", "Brompton Cocktail", "Gunslinger", "Lost", "Afterlife", and "Almost Easy". Sullivan also played many different instruments, such as the piano and guitar, and had used these abilities to write songs such as "A Little Piece of Heaven." Before leaving to join Avenged Sevenfold, Sullivan performed with the third wave ska band Suburban Legends as their drummer.


    Sullivan was found dead at his home in Huntington Beach on Monday, December 28, 2009, at 1:00 p.m.[4] The Orange County Police Department are investigating his death and have said that it appears to be due to natural causes.[5]

    Synyster Gates

    Synyster Gates in Pittsburgh, PA.
    Background information
    Birth name Brian Elwin Haner, Jr.
    Also known as Synyster Gates
    Born July 7, 1981 (1981-07-07) (age 28)
    Huntington Beach, California, United States
    Genres heavy metal, hard rock, thrash metal, metalcore
    Occupations Musician, songwriter, guitarist, vocalist
    Instruments Guitar, piano, vocals
    Years active 2000–Present
    Labels Good Life Recordings, Hopeless, Warner Bros.
    Associated acts Avenged Sevenfold, Pinkly Smooth, Good Charlotte, Burn Halo, Bleeding Through
    Notable instruments
    Schecter Synyster Custom


    Brian went to Mayfair High School in Lakewood, California and also Fountain Valley High School in Fountain Valley, California.

    He graduated from the Musicians Institute in Hollywood as part of the GIT program, studying jazz guitar. Up until that time he was primarily self taught by watching music videos and reading books, which is surprising because his father was/is a songwriter and guitar player, having played with Frank Zappa during his career, and currently touring with ventriloquist/comedian Jeff Dunham under the stage name "Guitar Guy". After six or so months of being there, he got a phone call from The Rev (and the rest of the current line up of Avenged Sevenfold barre Johnny Christ) asking him if he wanted to join the band as lead guitarist. Brian joined up with them rather than continuing his education and becoming a studio musician.

    Avenged Sevenfold

    Brian joined Avenged Sevenfold when he was 18 at the end of 1999, right before the recording of the band's first album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. He was featured on their EP, "Warmness on the Soul", and on the reissue of their first album.

    In the Avenged Sevenfold DVD All Excess, to emphasize the seemingly random placing of names, Brian stated that his name was thought of on a drunken drive through the park with The Rev. Also, his band members claim that he originally thought that he was too good to play for the band. He corrects them by saying he said no such thing.

    He has won numerous awards, including the "Young Shredder" award of the year in the Metal Hammer awards in 2006 and the "Guitarist of the Year" Award for Total Guitar Magazine in 2006.

    Pinkly Smooth

    Brian along with the band's late drummer The Rev formerly played in an avant-garde metal band named Pinkly Smooth. They both however quit the band as they wished to concentrate full time on Avenged Sevenfold.

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    Johnny Christ

    Background information
    Birth name Jonathan Lewis Seward
    Also known as Johnny Christ
    Born November 18, 1984 (1984-11-18) (age 25) Huntington Beach, California
    Genres Heavy metal, hard rock, metalcore
    Occupations Musician, Bassist
    Instruments Bass,
    Years active 2002 - Present
    Labels Warner Bros. Records, Hopeless Records
    Associated acts Avenged Sevenfold, The Dear & Departed

    Early years and Personal Life

    Johnny Christ attended Marina High School in Huntington Beach, California. He proceeded through high school and eventually formally met M. Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, Synyster Gates, and The Rev (the latter of the two which he already knew from school). He is also friends with Zacky Vengeance's younger brother Matt Baker formerly from the band The Dear & Departed. In May 2009 he participated in the Gumball 3000 Rally, driving coast to coast with the Fuel Girls. Johnny can be seen with girlfriend Lacey Franklin.

    Musical career

    Johnny initially took a few weeks off from high school during his senior year to fill in for Avenged Sevenfold's previous bassist, Dameon Ash, during one of their tours. These few weeks would become permanent as Johnny dropped out of high school to become the band's current bassist.

    When the band was practicing in M. Shadows's parent's garage, Johnny would walk down the street and tell them that their bassist was inadequate and that they should let him play with them instead.

    His two biggest influences are Cliff Burton (now deceased bassist for Metallica) and Duff McKagan (the bassist from Velvet Revolver and formerly Guns N Roses). The person that inspired him the most to pick up a bass was Les Claypool, the bassist and vocalist from Primus.

    His playing style varies by song. He primarily uses a pick.

    Johnny first recorded on their second album Waking the Fallen. He used to write only Johnny on his autographs until Zacky came up with the name 'Johnny Christ', and in All Excess he said, "That sounds... really ballsy. Everyone's gonna hate that, so... I should definitely go with that!" He resides in Huntington Beach, Orange County.

    Avenged Sevenfold

    Avenged Sevenfold in Bangkok, Thailand in 2007 (from left to right: M. Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, Synyster Gates, The Rev and Johnny Christ).
    Background information
    Also known as Sevenfold, A7X
    Origin Huntington Beach, California,
    Genres Hard rock, heavy metal, metalcore
    Years active 1999–present
    Labels Good Life, Hopeless, Warner Bros.
    Associated acts Pinkly Smooth, Suburban Legends, Atreyu, Buckcherry, Good Charlotte, Bleeding Through
    Website www.avengedsevenfold.com
    M. Shadows
    Zacky Vengeance
    Synyster Gates
    Johnny Christ
    Former members
    James "The Rev" Sullivan (Deceased)
    Dameon Ash
    Justin Sane
    Matt Wendt

    Band history

    Inception (1999-2004)

    The band was formed in 1999 in Huntington Beach, California with original members M. Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, The Rev and Matt Wendt. M Shadows came up with the name as a reference to the story of Cain and Abel from The Bible, although it is not a religious band.[1] Upon its formation, each member of the band also took on a pseudonym which were already nicknames of theirs from high school.[2] Before release their debut album, the band recorded two demos in 1999 and 2000. Avenged Sevenfold's debut album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, was recorded when the band members were just eighteen years old and in high school. It was originally released on their first label,[clarification needed] Good Life Recordings in 2001. After lead guitarist Synyster Gates joined the band, at the end of 1999 when he was 18 at the introductory track "To End the Rapture" was re-recorded featuring a full band element. The album was subsequently re-released on Hopeless Records in 2002.

    The band started to receive recognition, performing with bands such as Mushroomhead and Shadows Fall and playing on the Take Action Tour.[3][4] Having settled on their fourth bassist, Johnny Christ, they released Waking the Fallen on Hopeless Records in August 2003. The band received profiles in Billboard and The Boston Globe, and played in the Vans Warped Tour.[5][6][7] In 2004, Avenged Sevenfold toured again on the Vans Warped Tour and recorded a video for their song "Unholy Confessions" which went into rotation on MTV2's Headbanger's Ball.[8] Shortly after the release of Waking the Fallen, Avenged Sevenfold left Hopeless Records and were signed to Warner Bros. Records.

    City of Evil (2005–2007)

    City of Evil, the band's third album and major label debut, was released on June 7, 2005 and debuted at #30 on the Billboard 200 chart, selling over 30,000 copies in its first week of release.[9][10] It utilized a more epic, classic metal sound than Avenged Sevenfold's previous albums, which had been grouped into the metalcore genre.[11][12] The album is also notable for the absence of screaming vocals; M. Shadows worked with vocal coach Ron Anderson—whose clients have included Axl Rose and Chris Cornell—for months before the album's release to achieve a sound that had "grit while still having the tone".[11][13]

    They returned to the Vans Warped Tour, this time headlining and then continued on their own "Cities of Evil Tour."[14] In addition, their lead single "Bat Country" reached #2 on Billboard's Mainstream Rock Charts, #6 on Billboard's Modern Rock Charts and the accompanying video made it to #1 on MTV's Total Request Live.[15] Propelled by this success, the album sold well and became Avenged Sevenfold's first gold record.[clarification needed] They would go onto win "Best New Artist" at MTV's Video Music Awards, beating out artists like Rihanna, Panic at the Disco and Chris Brown.[16]

    Self-titled album (2007-2008)

    Zacky Vengeance in 2007.

    Avenged Sevenfold's mainstream success got them an invitation to 2006's Ozzfest tour on the main stage, alongside other well known hard rock and heavy metal acts DragonForce, Lacuna Coil, Hatebreed, Disturbed and System of a Down.[17] That same year they also completed a worldwide tour, including the US, The United Kingdom (as well as mainland Europe), Japan, Australia and New Zealand. After being on tour for sixteen months in promotion of City of Evil, the band announced that they were cancelling their Fall 2006 tour in favor of recording new music.[18] M. Shadows stated that their fourth studio album—which the band self-titled and self-produced—would not be a "City of Evil Part 2" or "Waking the Fallen Part 2," but would incorporate a new, grittier sound.[18][19] To tide the fans over in between albums, the band released their first DVD titled All Excess on July 17, 2007.[20] All Excess, which debuted as the #1 DVD in the USA, included live performances and backstage footage that spanned the band's eight year career. Two tribute albums, Strung Out on Avenged Sevenfold: Bat Wings and Broken Strings and Strung Out on Avenged Sevenfold: The String Tribute were also released in October 2007.

    Avenged Sevenfold, the band's fourth album, was released on October 30, 2007, debuting at #4 on the Billboard 200 with over 90,000 copies sold.[21] Two singles, "Critical Acclaim" and "Almost Easy" were released prior to the album's debut. In December 2007, an animated video was made for "A Little Piece of Heaven." Due to the song's controversial subject matter, however, Warner Brothers only released it to registered MVI users over the internet. The third single, "Afterlife" and its video was released in January 2008. Their fourth single, "Dear God", was released on September 30, 2008. The self-titled album went onto sell over 500,000 copies and was awarded "Album of the Year" at the Kerrang! Awards.[22]

    Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough (2008–2009)

    Avenged Sevenfold headlined the 2008 Taste of Chaos tour with Atreyu, Bullet for My Valentine, Blessthefall and Idiot Pilot.[23] They used the footage from their last show in Long Beach for Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough, a two-disc B-sides CD and live DVD which was released on September 16, 2008. They also recorded numerous covers, including Pantera's "Walk," Iron Maiden's "Flash of the Blade" and Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" (the first two of which were included on "Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough").[23][24][25] They will also be releasing a Guitar Tutorial DVD, which include the five tracks, Afterlife, Almost Easy, Bat Country, Beast and the Harlot and Trashed And Scattered, breaking down the guitar solos and riffs in each song.[26]

    During a sold-out festival performance in Leeds and Reading, the band were forced to shorten their Leeds performance and cancel their Reading performance due to a vocal strain sustained by M. Shadows.[27] A few days later, the band was forced to announce the cancellation of the remaining September shows, with the tour set to resume again on October 15.[28]

    New album and death of The Rev (2009-present)

    In January 2009, M. Shadows confirmed that the band is writing the follow-up to their self-titled fourth album within the upcoming months.[29] They also announced that they will be playing at Rock on the Range, from May 16-17, 2009.[30] In April 16, they performed a version of Guns N' Roses' "It's So Easy" onstage with Slash, at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles.[31] M. Shadows has also been confirmed to be a featured vocalist on Slash's forthcoming solo album Slash & Friends.

    M. Shadows and the rest of the band has expressed interest in making a follow-up to their self-titled record. They announced that they plan to start writing in June 2009 and recording in October 2009. M. Shadows also said in an interview with Loveline that the next record would be a more classic metal, more rock-oriented record, since the self-titled record was very experimental. He also said it would feature more progressive, longer songs and would be the "biggest Avenged Sevenfold record ever." Additionally, he said they were possibly thinking about a concept record.

    On July 15, 2009, their website and MySpace profile were updated with a statement from M. Shadows implying that work on the next album has started, but they are still "throwing around ideas". The update was on the same day that Waking the Fallen went Gold.

    In an interview, M. Shadows has revealed that after the band will complete their tour with a final performance at the Sonisphere Festival on August 2, they will get in the studio to write and record a new studio album, a follow-up to their self-titled album.[32]

    On November 5, 2009, Zacky Vengeance posted a message on the official website stating that they had returned from their tour and immediately started focusing on forming a production team in order to start recording the album. "We will continue finalizing our songs until we feel every note does both you as well as us justice. We are also in the final stages of solidifying our production team, studios and engineers so that the second the axe falls and the album is written we will spend day and night in the studio until it is complete. This album will definitely take you on a very dark journey..."

    On December 28, 2009, drummer The Rev was found dead at his home at the age of 28, leaving behind a wife.[33] In a statement by the band, they expressed their grief over The Rev's loss and asked that his family's privacy be respected:

    It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we tell you of the passing today of Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan. Jimmy was not only one of the world's best drummers, but more importantly he was our best friend and brother. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jimmy's family and we hope that you will respect their privacy during this difficult time.[34]

    Musical characteristics


    Avenged Sevenfold's material spans multiple genres and has evolved over the band's ten year career. Initially, the band's debut album Sounding the Seventh Trumpet consisted almost entirely of metalcore sound; however, there were several deviations to this genre, most notably in "Streets" which adopts a punk style and "Warmness on the Soul," which is a piano-oriented ballad.[35] On Waking The Fallen, the band displayed a more refined and fluent metalcore album that was able to harness the rawness of the first album and add more mature and intricate musical elements. In the band's DVD All Excess, producer Andrew Mudrock explained this transition: "When I met the band after Sounding the Seventh Trumpet had come out before they had recorded Waking the Fallen, M. Shadows said to me 'This record is screaming. The record we want to make is going to be half-screaming half-singing. I don't want to scream anymore. And the record after that is going to be all singing.'" On City of Evil, Avenged Sevenfold's third album, the band chose to abandon the metalcore genre, developing a more hard rock style. Avenged Sevenfold's self-titled album, again, consists of several deviations to less consistent genres and styles from the album's main hard rock and heavy metal songs, most notably in "Dear God", which adopts a country style and "A Little Piece of Heaven", which includes elements of Broadway show tunes, using primarily brass instruments and stringed orchestra to take over most of the role of the lead and rhythm guitar. The band has changed considerably since its first album, which since then they have been characterized as a heavy band with screams and growls combined with clean vocals that one can expect from the metalcore genre.

    Band name and lyrical content

    The band's name is a reference to the Book of Genesis in the Bible - specifically Genesis 4:24, where Cain is sentenced to life in exile for murdering his brother. God marked him so that none would kill him on account of his sin; the man who dared to kill Cain would suffer "vengeance seven times over" (KJV)[36]. The abbreviation "A7X" for their band name was the idea of guitarist Zacky Vengeance. The title of Avenged Sevenfold's song "Chapter Four" refers to the fourth chapter of Genesis, in which the story of Cain and Abel takes place. The song's subject also appears to be this story. "Beast and the Harlot", yet another song derived from the Bible, comes from the Book of Revelation only it is written in the first person and refers to the punishment of Babylon the Great, world empire and seat of false religion. Another biblical reference occurs in the song "The Wicked End". In this song, several times it is said "dust the apple off, savor each bite, and deep inside you know Adam was right." making reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit. Although the band's title and members' stage names make references to religion, Shadows stated in an interview that they are not a religious band. "Anyone that reads the lyrics and really knew anything about us, they would know we're not promoting either," he said. "That's one thing about this band that I love is that we never really shove any kind of, like, political or religious beliefs on people. We just, the music's there to entertain and maybe thought-provoking on both sides, but we don't try to, like, really shove anything down anyone's throat. There's too many bands that do that nowadays, I think."[37] The band has a few songs that are somewhat political in nature like "Critical Acclaim", "Gunslinger" and "Blinded In Chains". The song "Betrayed" off of their album "City of Evil" was written about "Dimebag" Darrel's, of Pantera and Damageplan, death.

    The Deathbat

    The band sports a logo known as the "Deathbat". It was originally designed by an artistic high school friend of Avenged Sevenfold, Micah Montague, as seen on the band's first DVD, All Excess. The Deathbat has appeared on all of the band's album covers, many of which were done by Cameron Rackam, a close friend of the band. The Deathbat has developed from just being a skull with bat wings, to sometimes appear as a full "man size" skeleton with bat wings, as it can be seen at the cover of City of Evil. On Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, there are pictures of two people (in which appear to be Cain and Abel), another angel-like human and a semi-opaque Deathbat below it, several Deathbats appear on the back cover of the album as well. The Deathbat also appears on covers of number of singles such as "Bat Country", "Warmness on the Soul" and "Critical Acclaim".

    Band members

    The band members occasionally play instruments other than their primary instruments listed below.

    Current members
    Former members
    • Matt Wendt – bass (1999–2000)
    • Justin Sane – bass, piano (2000–2001)
    • Dameon Ash – bass (2001–2002)
    • The Rev – drums, piano, backing vocals (1999–2009) (deceased)